How to Travel
Know Before You Go
Know your destination before you book. How safe is it, customs & courtesies, travel requirements, and more.
Plan the perfect itinerary
Traveling without having any idea of what there is to do or see is not fun. Trust me, I've done it before. When you have a plan, you optimize your time and money when away from home. Let me show you how to create the best schedule.
Find the best flights
Finding the best flights your your type of travel can be confusing. Where do you look? How long of a layover do I need in London Heathrow? Let us share our recommendations to find the best flights no matter your type of travel.
Stay at the best accommodations
Everyone has different preferences as to where they stay. From $1 per night couch surfing to $3,000 per night luxury hotels. Let us show you how to find your perfect hotel.
How to solo travel
Solo traveling can seem intimidating. Going into an unknown land all by yourself. However, solo traveling can also be very rewarding and an ideal way to travel. Let me share my advice on how to make the most out of your solo travel (and why you should solo travel).
Europe on a budget
Europe and budget traveling go together like peanut butter and jelly. There is so much to see in Europe and it's all so close to each other. Let me share my advice on the best ways to travel Europe, without burning a hole in your wallet.
Avoiding theft and scams
My least favorite part of traveling is dealing with the scams and petty theft. Through my own experience, I'll share my advice on how to avoid scams and not lose any possessions to theft.
By far the cheapest and most flexible way to get around Europe. If you want to see as much as you can in Europe, no matter your trip length, Eurail/Interrail is for you.
If you're looking for a true adventure trip, backpacking is perfect for you. Let's go through the basics of backpacking to get you prepared.